Digital Camera Imaging and quantifying light pollution

This page is for summarising discussions on the above topic in the yahoogroup


1.  Here is an article that is useful for measuring skyfog using a DSLR

                                                           --------  Suresh Mohan Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:24 am

2. Dr. Suresh, This looks to be something very useful for quantifying and something that can be done by everyone who has the right digital camera (which will be quite a few people in India). I would like to request everyone who has dabbled a little in astrophotography to look at this, try it out and then post with their feedback.

We should look at all possible ways of qauntifying - from a simple star count to digital imaging, to the kind of categorizations that the Sky and Telescope article looked at, and so on. If amateur astronomers from all over the country lend a hand, we should be able to come up with some useful data with this excercise!

                                            -----   Rathnasree   Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:15 am

3. Dr. Rathnasree, A very nice pointer from Suresh, Samir's website is right on topic. I should have a few results by the end of this week, including our nearby dark site - Nuh.

                                                       --------  Ajay Talwar  Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:26 am