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Site: Student projects from 1999-2009

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  1. Masonary errors of the Misra Yantra using a data base of time measurements : Anurag Garg and Arpita Pandey, Msc students, Delhi University - 2007-2008
  2. Sunspot morphology evolution using archived solar disk images : Pritpal Kaur, Khalsa College - 2006-2007
  3. Radius to Frequency mapping studies with archived pulsar average profiles : Anya Chaudhari, St. Stephen's College, Project undertaken in 2005, now a graduate student at T.I.F.R.
  4. Pulsar single pulses : a new method of separation of profile modes : Malvika Chandra, St. Stephen's college : 2001. Later a master's student and Oxford and now a graduate student at University of Michigan.
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Page last modified on February 22, 2010, at 06:07 AM EST