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HomePageTaarewiki is a collaborative project for quantifying light pollution in different locations of India (and elsewhere, where possible) through simple star counts, analysis of digital camera images and other possible methods. The activities under this project are being co-ordinated through daily interactions in the yahoo group - http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/Astronomy_Activities_2009/ The yahoogroup, as well as the Taarewiki, are collaborative efforts towards activities related to Astronomy, not just for the International Year of Astronomy 2009, but, as long term collaborative inputs related to Astronomy. The very beginners who are just getting interested in astronomy, can also contribute very easily to this program of star counts. Would you like to go on this very useful journey of making friends with stars and quantifying your neighbourhood light pollution? Please do join in this program, you and I and all of us together, can make a difference! Please use the sidebar for navigation. |