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Site: Analysis Oriented Learning Projects

  1. Measurement of lunar brightness changes during a penumbral eclipse, using amateur astrophotographs Project completed by Anurag Garg and published in Resonance.
  2. A statistical study of degree of polarisation of pulsars from a sample obtained through European Pulsar Network profiles? - Project undertaken by Devansh Agarwal (IISER, Thiruanathapuram) and Ankit Singh (Delhi University)
  3. Determining speed of rotation of Sun and investigating morphology of sunspots Project completed by Combodge Bhist and Siddharth Rana, of NIT, Surathkal
  4. Sunspot image processing Siddarth Singh and Vinay Ambat, Delhi Technological University
  5. IIT Delhi Astronomy Club Activities
  6. Project on pulsars by Saloni Bhatiani, Venkateswara college
  7. Degree of Polarisation studies of pulsars through online database studies A data analysis project by Devansh Agarwal and Ankit Singh
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Page last modified on September 20, 2014, at 09:45 PM EST