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Site: Eclipse Mania

With the huge number of children present, the eclipse mania was confined for now, to discussions on the July 22 2009 Total Solar Eclipse, locations in India where it would be total and the Delhi circumstances. Some activities for observing the Sun safely and making some simple quantitative measurements mostly tunrned out to be demonstration, rather than hands on, due to the huge number of students present. It was fun, but. And perhaps, at a later stage the eclipse mania could be organised for smaller groups with more hands on activities.

Some eclipse discussions. Just wish that the school group could have stayed for a little longer time and had listened to the discussion in smaller groups.

Demonstrating the usage of a kitchen channi for safe viewing of the Sun and a solar eclipse.

Bhavneet helping a group of children view the binocular box projection image of the Sun

Naresh doing the same, for students of Bal Bharati School

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Page last modified on November 28, 2008, at 11:35 PM EST