From TaareWiki

Site: Random Imagery from the Children's Fortnight

There is a very special reason why all the Plani staff lost their hearts to the boy with the big smile at the centre of this group

nirmal anand :-)

The giant trees of the Teen Murti campus are the best teachers about our planet!

Very special children, very happy to have come to the planetarium, made us also so happy :-)

Very happy to volunteer as helpers with the Magician who showed Science Magic

Very special friends from the Adi school, who have been regular visitors to the Plani and we have become very fond of them - we hope to have them with us for many more activities. The boy on the extreme right, in a scarf, had become Venus for some school astronomy activity and was very thrilled when the spins of the Earth and Venus (in particular the retrograde spin of Venus) were compared.

Bhaiyya, tum kya bana rahe ho?

With the pottery they have made during the activities at the NMML Bal Mela

Drawing planets and solar system orbits under Chacha Nehru's guidance

Children who participated in the cultural programs at the NMML Bal Mela

Children enjoying themselves in the Teen Murti front lawns

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Page last modified on December 04, 2008, at 09:04 AM EST