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Site: WorkshopRegistration

Registration for the International Workshop on

Earth and the Sky, Astrophotography and Imageprocessing

The workshop is meant for the true Astronut. Anyone with a serious interest in the skies and looking for a little guidance to do some worthwhile exploration on their own, related to the skies, would be a welcome participant in the workshop. We want that these efforts become useful for all interested students and amateur astronomers.

The number of participants who will be physically present during October 3rd-6th at the workshop, cannot be more than 200, while there could be a number of other participants who do contribute to the workshop through online or video participation.

And finally, interested participants will need to follow these steps to register for the workshop:

Expression of Interest?

Just press the edit button at the bottom of the page and enter your name as others have done. You can even give a link here to a webpage containing your astrophotographs or work that you have done.

From the participants, one will be looking for skills in landscape astrophotography. Deep sky astrophotography will of course be considered as something very useful.

In addition to astrophotography skills - one will also look for skills in software/data analysis kind of work related to astronomy that anyone might have done. Or even analysis by just collecting some numbers from nature and putting them down on a graph. Skills in sketching astronomical objects is another interesting avenue. Expertise in navigating around the deep skies, with a manual telescope, will be another interesting skill. Work already done, for the Taare Sadak Par star counting project, or the Project Dark Skies work, might also be considered.

Please enter your name as soon as possible, on the Expression of Interest Page? as some first come first served weightage will also be given to the interested participants :-)

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Page last modified on August 10, 2008, at 04:51 AM EST